Welcome to the Forum site of the École Polytechnique
32th edition of the X-Forum on November 26 and 27, 2024
Discover the schedule
An annual event
Discover our forum for meetings between companies and students organized by the X-Forum association
A unique connection opportunity for students, companies, and universities.
During this annual event, about 2000 students, including 1000 from Polytechnique, meet 150 companies, schools, and international universities on the École’s campus. Conferences and workshops are planned for the first day, while the second day is reserved for the exhibitions of companies and universities.
Each year, École Polytechnique trains 500 engineers recognized in France and abroad for their skills. Their high-level multidisciplinary training enables them to hold positions of responsibility in all sectors of industry, services, research, and administration.
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Forum schedule
The Be Forum & the 4A Forum
Placed ahead of the forum, the 4A/Master forum is a day dedicated to students to gather information and reflect on their studies after École Polytechnique. This forum welcomes both French and international schools and universities. The goal is to allow students to learn about the programs they are interested in by speaking with representatives from various schools and universities.
In parallel, presentations from schools, state bodies, and international universities are offered to third-year students.
Career day
Each year, Career Day, taking place the day before the forum, prepares students by offering case studies, mock interviews, and lectures on specific sectors. This day, free for companies participating in the forum, is an opportunity to strengthen your presence at École Polytechnique, to inspire vocations, and to meet Polytechnique students interested in a career in your field of activity. If you are an alumnus of École Polytechnique, you can also participate in Career Day through the Polytechnique Alumni Association (AX).
We are specifically looking for professionals to conduct case studies and recruiters/human resources to perform mock interviews with CV reviews.
We are also open to any ideas for lectures.
Forum day
The Forum takes place at the heart of École Polytechnique and gathers nearly 2,000 visitors each year. Engineering Cycle students, master's or doctoral students, from École Polytechnique or other schools, come to meet their future employer
More than 150 companies from various sectors such as Industry, Consulting, Finance, Renewable Energies, Nuclear, Biotechnologies, to name a few, are present.
This day represents a rich and privileged moment of exchange between students and companies.
Besides bringing École Polytechnique closer to companies, these meetings aim at several objectives: to test the relevance of the training considered by the students for their 3rd and 4th years on the job market, to facilitate the search for internships, funding, or even potential employment.

Our team
The Forum is a team of 50 motivated students who work for the benefit of the École Polytechnique’s promotions by organizing the school’s forum.
Our mission is to help students clarify their professional projects by connecting them with French and international companies and specialization schools, and preparing them for the demands of the working world.
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